A few personal photographs of our Chihuahuas

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You have to give this puppy a lot of credit.

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What happens when you put a Chihuahua in the snow.  Poor little dog in the snow.
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A few pictures of our quet beauty, Manon
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Why some Chihuahuas are so nervous.  They start early in the morning...
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She hates to fly (but she loves to get there).
Embarrassed by puppy
Demi is embarrassed by Papillon's behavior.  He's shredding a letter
 -- while someone is trying to read it.

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The Dog from Hell is a Chihuahua puppy

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A couple of pictures of BeauGeste, some with Papillon -- his inseparable buddy

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Taco watching over his lifelong pal Princess, who is also seen as the background for this page

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Taco watching over Enchilada, the older dog who nurtured him as a puppy

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